Seem i never had a chance to see on the cinema last time even though I'm a big fan of Yasmin Ahmad, then i just watch it via YouTube..thank you very much to de lovely person who already spend her/his precious time to upload and share this awesome movie with the rest.....before this, i'm always keep myself free to search Talentime..but there was nothing except the soundtrack or the movie trailer...very disappointed me on that time.....I'm waiting too long to share this biggest love.....

Here some of the synopsis...very short but it's mean a a person who care other people with never ending loving someone...wohohoho...not just for the loved was in the wide range of LOVE....blended well....
A talent search competition has matched two hearts that of Melur, a Malay-mixed girl and an Indian male student, Mahesh....Melur, with her melodious voice, singing whilst playing the piano is one of the seven finalists of the Talentime competition of her school organised by Cikgu Adibah... Likewise Hafiz, enthralling with his vocalist talent while playing the guitar, divides his time between school and mother, who is hospitalized for brain tumor.....

What i like most about her super duper idea or story line is every moment deeply touches our hearts....I don't mind even someone else will think that I'm too extravaganza sensitive...but when my tears dropped...I'm just feel everything..I'm feel the scene...I'm into dis film...feel like I'm playing as I too OOVVEEERRRRR while talking about feeling...????
The characters of 'Talentime' are the kind of characters that you would not disassociate from real life people in Malaysia, a rich blending of all that makes our country unique...You will laugh and at the same will cry too....Talentime is a beautiful movie that deals with what it means to be a Malaysian, to compete with different races and learn to understand different religions and culture..owh..may be some part were missing the English subtitle..but it's ok...keep listened even they talked in Tamil or Hokkien...

He plays the extremely demanding role of a schoolboy who tries to put on a brave face for his cancer-stricken mother....
Another finalist, Hafiz, is a 16-year old Malay boy whose only family is a mother terminally suffering from brain cancer. She forbids him to visit her in hospital at least 12 hours after her chemo sessions because she does not like him to see her suffer...Life is hard...every single person will face a problem in the real life.....but what's keep us alive?????

Another finalist, Hafiz, is a 16-year old Malay boy whose only family is a mother terminally suffering from brain cancer. She forbids him to visit her in hospital at least 12 hours after her chemo sessions because she does not like him to see her suffer...Life is hard...every single person will face a problem in the real life.....but what's keep us alive?????

The organizing committee is headed by that school’s music teacher , a strict, no-nonsense lady who is herself a great singer.......
Cikgu Adibah has picked a group of teachers and students to help her with the talentime.
During the first rounds of the auditions, we see a crazy mix of very talented and totally talentless students trying their luck to make it to the final list, which is to comprise of only 7 participants, in line with the school anniversary.
Love u Cikgu Adibah!!!! U make me laugh a lots....

Howard Hon Kahoe....He played the domestically pressured teenager to perfection and negative thinker...but in de end, he realized something precious in this complicated life....
He played a traditional Chinese music equipment called Er Hu....sound good on my ears!
Very sad scene..during Mahesh's mother found out the son's interest and forbid him to see her again.....
I like this lines which Mahesh's uncle give some word to him....
"Dear monkey, don't listen to your crazy mother...She found her happiness in her own way...We must do de same..If we find someone u loved..don't hold back!"
There's a lots of aesthetic value can we gain after saw this beautiful movie....go and see..u can feel de same with me....I'm apologize if my point of view is not fulfill ur needed...
Love between different race and religious is not impossible nowdays...Love is Blind...Love come when we're never expected...slowly walk in into our life...
It's hard to believe when you start falling in love with someone who absolutely different from's happened...until the day you realized that you keep smiling every time you with him.......and even a second are too long to miss someone in your mind right now.....
I like this lines which Mahesh's uncle give some word to him....
"Dear monkey, don't listen to your crazy mother...She found her happiness in her own way...We must do de same..If we find someone u loved..don't hold back!"
There's a lots of aesthetic value can we gain after saw this beautiful movie....go and see..u can feel de same with me....I'm apologize if my point of view is not fulfill ur needed...
Love between different race and religious is not impossible nowdays...Love is Blind...Love come when we're never expected...slowly walk in into our life...
It's hard to believe when you start falling in love with someone who absolutely different from's happened...until the day you realized that you keep smiling every time you with him.......and even a second are too long to miss someone in your mind right now.....